The seminars take place in room CW6 on selected Tuesdays from 12:30 to 13:30
Maciej Zięba, Wroclaw University of Technology: "Generative Normalizing Flows - fundamental concepts and applications"
Adam Wojciechowski, Poznan Supercomputing Center, Polish Academy of Sciences: "Explaining image classification in natural language"
Wojciech Samek, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Technical University of Berlin and the Department of Artificial Intelligence at Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute Berlin: "Human-Centered Explainable AI"
Marek Wydmuch (Poznan University of Technology), Erik Schultheis (Aalto University), Wojciech Kotłowski (Poznan University of Technology), Rohit Babbar (University of Bath / Aalto University), Krzysztof Dembczyński (Yahoo! Research / Poznan University of Technology): "Generalized test utilities for long-tail performance in extreme multi-label classification"
Conference of the Institute of Computing Science, including laboratory/departments presentations
Piotr Wyrwiński, Poznan University of Technology: "Symbolic regression via iterative graph expansion prioritized with a graph neural network"
Jakub Bernat, Poznan University of Technology: "Zastosowanie metod optymalizacji używanych w uczeniu maszynowym dla identyfikacji parametrów transmitancji"
Paweł Pietrzak, Poznan University of Technology: "Neuronowa detekcja jaskry na podstawie odczytów zmian ciśnienia gałki ocznej"
Maciej Komosiński, Konrad Miazga, Poznan University of Technology: "From haploid to polyploid: ploidy in evolutionary algorithms"
Jakub Nalepa, Silesian University of Technology and KP Labs (Head of AI): "(On-board) machine learning for satellite data analysis"