About the laboratory

In our Machine Learning Laboratory (in Polish Zakład Uczenia Maszynowego), we study and research both the foundations of Machine Learning as well as other subfields of Artificial Intelligence and their different applications. Our ML Lab is organized along two main lines: one covers research teams (the organizational structure that is redefined over time as the group develops), and the other concerning research projects (where we want to put together different researchers motivated by a specific subject of scientific investigation and the current ongoing projects or grants).

Our main research interests and results mainly cover:

  • Machine learning and data mining
  • Neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence and image recognition
  • Trustworthy AI and explaining ML models
  • Deep learning for natural language processing
  • Modeling of adaptive and complex systems
  • Multi-agent systems: modeling, simulation, and optimization
  • AI Edge systems, quantum generators, and neurocomputing
  • Heuristic and exact optimization

For more details, see the Research tab in the main menu of this web page

The laboratory is headed by prof. Jerzy Stefanowski